Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Scoop or Two? Cream and Sugar?

Do you remember what your first job was? I will never forget mine.....

I was 16 years old and my parents said it was time for me to get a job if I wanted a car. I applied to a ton of places. Finally, Baskin Robbins/ Dunkin Donuts called me for an interview. I was so excited that I said I would come in "right now" if they wanted me to. So sure enough, I went. They offered me what I think was minimum wage at the time; $6.75 an hour. I did not care what I was making as long as I was making something.

I started the next week for training. I got a shirt, a hat and an apron. They took the cost of those from my first paycheck. I started working the morning shifts, I had to be at work at 5am to prepare for the morning rush. Naturally, Dunkin Donuts was booming with business by 7am. Time was flying. the job was easy and everything was going well. Until the mop came out in week 5....

I did not know when I signed up that I was going to have to clean toilets. In fact, I didn't see it as part of my job description. I guess when you work for BR/DD you are considered responsible for everything. So after weeks of learning how to make special coffees, lattes, how to scoop ice cream in the afternoon, make shakes etc. I was told that I had to be on clean up duty. Maybe it was because I was spoiled all my life but I refused to do it. My manager at the time said I had to either do it or I had to find somewhere else to work. So I took the mop (since she threw it at me) and threw it on the floor. Turned around, punched out and went home.

I told my parents what happened and they said not to worry about it, that I did the right thing. I never went back to that store, it has been 5 years and I probably won't go in there unless I absolutely had to. If nothing else, it was a great learning experience. hmmm maybe not so much! :)


Constant Progress said...

I like your layout and color choices. I think that you should try and change the font of the title and that of the text following the "About my blog...'. Both of those just don't 'do it' for me. The opening lines of the post were catchy. Kudos to you for walking out.

PS said...

This post is pretty funny. I enjoyed reading what I feel like every person has to go through at some point in their life: the first job. I quit my first job (gordon food service) for similar reasons, we used to go out back and I would watch my co-workers chuck limes over the nearby business buildings and hotel. Once I started to have to clean the bathrooms, I was so disgusted that I basically quit. It just seems like the easy way out until you get older and realize that you actually NEED money haha. Anyway, I really like the darker background, it's easier on my eyes when I come across this page. "Living Live to the Fullest" is certainly an attention-grabbing phrase and makes me want to read more. I agree with the post above that the lined paper does not go well with the current font you have in the description. I like the idea of it appearing to be a journal, it's just a little difficult on the eyes to read. You could always add a couple pictures to the blog to perhaps make the blog a little more appealing and noticeable. All in all, this is a visually pleasing blog that appears very organized. Good job!

Makes Sense said...

Like the changes - this takes on a more mature style that seems to represent you a bit better. See if you can get the title of your blog to show a bit better - like the changes though!!! Focusing in on your first job is a great topic to cover in a post. See if you can do a bit better job creating images - by adding sensory details - for your reader. Most of us will be able to relate to this universal activity - getting and quitting your first job.

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