Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Christmas I'll never forget...

Christmas day 2009.... it was a day I would never forget. It started like every other Christmas, we waited till everyone came to the house before we opened presents. My brothers and sister have all moved out and I am not allowed to open any gifts until everyone is "home." Finally, everyone arrived by noon. One by one I unwrapped my gifts. Those included clothes, perfume an Ipod etc. My family followed suit.
After we all finished unwrapping our gifts my dad gave me one more big box that he pulled out from the coat closet. I unwrapped it anxiously, a smaller box followed, then another small box, finally the third box that was very tiny was left. I opened it and there it was....a set of keys.
I thought to myself, could it be true? Did I just get keys to a new car? Next thing I hear is "beep, beep" and I look outside and my brother pulls up in a new car with a bow on it. I began to cry while embracing my mother and father. I couldn't believe that they bought me a new car. What a great Christmas!!

1 comment:

Makes Sense said...

You got your xmas tree to add....anyway to inset it into your post? Play around with the colors of your text to some degree. The red on yellow is somewhat hard to read, but the brown sidebars work well in popping the posts themselves. Add a bit more to help place readers in this story. Adding smells and sounds help to enhance what you want us to see.

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