Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi My Loves....

"Hey everyone!!
So.....heres what's going on with me. Today was craaazy.... I had to take my brother to the airport so that he could go see his ex-girlfriend. I tried to talk him out of it but once he has his mind set, that's it!!
After that went array, one of my sisters, my mom and I went to lunch. They got soo mad at me just cause I was late. Like OMG, it's not that big of a deal.
Then me and the boy went out to the club. I told him I couldn't stay out late cause I had to be at a photo shoot in the morning. He threatened another break up so I stayed with him all night. hehe
Now it's time for bed, God I love my life....
Till next time.....
Love ya,"


Charlotte Sesi said...

Your persona is Kim Kardashian. You wrote just as if she would be talking. I also knew because you gave little hints by dropping brother and sisterS and ANOTHER breakup..haha =)

Brian "Oil Can" Rick said...

wow, you stumped me natalia. my guess was paris hilton until i saw charlottes comment. in retrospect, paris hilton would have been a dumb guess since you mentioned brothers and sisters. oh well, at least i guessed it was a socialite. The content in this post must be good if charlotte got it right and i at least got into the ballpark. i really like this template for your blog. it keeps it visually appealing without cluttering it. personally, i like pics included in the posts but with it being a mystery persona entry, a pic might give it away. overall, good content and i really like the template and colors. they are easy to look at and make the blog look organized and appealing. good job natalia. see ya tuesday

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