Friday, February 19, 2010

Real or Fake....

Memory #1

"Mommy, Mommy, Moooooommyy!!"
I remember the time when I was kidnapped and thought I'd never see my family again. I was so scared and all I could remember saying was "mommy." I think I was 5 or 6 at the time, according to my mom, when I got lost in the mall. I was running in and out of racks play hide and seek. After a few times my mom told me to sit still and not move. Of course I didn't, I ran and hid in a bunch of clothes on a rack. I didn't hear my mom yell for me so after awhile I finally came out. Well when I came out of the rack I bumped into a tall man. I said, "mommy, mommy...." next thing I know I was crying hysterically and the man picked me up and took me to his car. I cried and cried some more until finally I couldn't cry anymore. It felt like he drove me around for hours but finally we stopped. He picked me up and took me inside this big building which I later found out was a police station. I guess the man told the police my story and next thing I knew my mom and dad showed up. They picked me up and took me home. That memory is one I will never forget. Needless to say I never left my moms side again.

Memory #2

Boom! Boom! Boom! "Ouch, my head!" That's something I will never forget I heard when my friend killed someone. I was 16 years old and was out after a football game with about 7 other friends. Sarah, my best friend, said she was going to drive me home. My mom said it was okay as long as I was home by 11pm. So it was about 10:45pm and Sarah was speeding to get me home on time. Well she hit a curb and up she went. She hit a woman that was on her bike, and she hit her hard. We were wearing our seat-belts and were fine but when we got out of the car the woman was on the ground with blood everywhere. She kept saying, "ouch my head." Those words stuck in my mind everyday for years. We called 911 and they took her to the hospital. After dealing with the police my mom came and picked me up. The next day, I went to the hospital to visit the lady but they said she didn't make it. Till this day, every time I get to that intersection I freeze up and recap that night. I still feel responsible even though my friend says it was her fault. She's been paying for it for 5 years. In fact, she just got off probation early this year.


Makes Sense said...

I don't want either of these to be fact, but I'll go with the friend version as fact.????

~*NaTaLiA~* said...

I wish that neither one was true too..... I'll let you know before class next week....

Lemon said...

i'm going with #2 as the real story too (though i don't want it to be!). the way you told it sounds like the way someone who experienced something like that would write it out. the small precise details, not alot of extra "visual or sensory stuff" (?) guess we'll find out.

Evie-lynn said...

I would go with the second one as well as being the one that is true.

I have a friend who accidently hit a man too. It was a really dark part of the road ( like the only dark part for like 20 miles) and the guy was drunk. He got on AIM and was like "I hit a guy" And at first I thought he'd hit someone's car but then talking to him more I realized it was an actual person. I didn't leave him alone for a week cause his parents were gone, but he wasn't at fault so nothing came of it. He was really freaked out, but has since come to terms.

~*NaTaLiA~* said...

Actually, to everyones surprise the true story is story 1. I was "kidnapped" but not really. I will never know why this guy took me to the police instead of security at the mall. Thinking back, I'm very glad to still be alive and well with my family.

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