Friday, February 12, 2010

A "Good Writer"

In my eyes, Stephen King is a "good writer." When reading his memoirs I learned about what it takes to me a good writer in his eyes. I find most of what he says to ring true as it is so knowing that it's coming from him just makes it that much more credible. One point he makes is that in order to be a good writer one most "read and write a lot." I think he is right, when it comes to books that I read, I find it easier and more interesting if the author actually has experience and training as well as is educated.
I also learned how King felt about certain writers. One's that were in his eyes good and others that were not so good. It is interesting to read memoirs coming from such a renowned author like King. I learned a lot about his thoughts and previous life experience through reading his memoirs. I liked getting that background about his family life, in regards to his father and uncles professions. When he talked about the toolbox, the way he writes helped me envision what he describes.


Michelle Taylor said...

I agree with you, it's an amazing opportunity we have to get advice from such a well known and accomplished writer. Whether he disagree or agree, like or dislike what he says we can still walk away with some kind of new knowledge.

Alexis said...

I agree with both of you ladies! As a big fan of Stephen King, this was actually a very interesting assignment for me, to be able to read about the life and thoughts of one of my all time favorite writers? Awesome! And I also agree with the notion that his credibility really comes from all his experience and the fact that he is a house-hold name. You made a great reference to a point King made about reading and writing a lot in order to gain more experience as a writer, and I agree with King that this can only increase your knowledge. Good post! :)

Spetacular Moments by Deja V said...

I also think that King did a very good job in this memoir. I do not think it is like most memoirs or like anything else that King has ever written. I am not a big fan of King but I will definitely keep this memoir/manual on my shelf as it is good for future reference. You did a good job in referring back to the memoir and addressing the point that touched you the most.

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