Friday, March 19, 2010

"Click it or ticket!"

2/3rds of car accidents with drivers not wearing a seatbelt lead to death.

I'm sure you do not want to be a part of that statistic.

Unfortunately, a lot of people our age are still driving with no seatbelt. It's really little inconvenience to wear a seatbelt when you drive. Especially when the other option is possible death. Everyone is really doing it. Just today alone, I drove to work and nearly EVERY car I drove by had the driver wearing a seatbelt. It's actually "cool" to be safe!!

Also, if a police officer sees you're not wearing your seatbelt then you get a ticket. Why would you want to pay the unnecessary fine? Just do the right thing!! Buckle up....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Baldwin Center..

Well, I volunteered at the Baldwin Center on Tuesday. It was interesting and kind of fun to help out. As a class I felt that we worked really well together and had fun organizing the "pantry." I had no expectations when I first heard that we were going to be volunteering at the center. I volunteer a lot so this just seemed like another volunteer experience. But after doing the service I felt a little happy and accomplished. I felt like we really made a dent because the room was much more organized and clean when we left than when we came in.

I noticed that things were different than what I pictured. The Baldwin Center actually does a lot for the city. It offers a housing little thing, soup kitchen, food etc. It was surprising to find out the relationship between the Church next door and the Center. It was also surprising to find see how much food the Center has collected and how much they really do help people. I'm glad I could help, even if it was for a short time. It's nice to know that they appreciate all of us helping. I had a great experience this week!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Real or Fake....

Memory #1

"Mommy, Mommy, Moooooommyy!!"
I remember the time when I was kidnapped and thought I'd never see my family again. I was so scared and all I could remember saying was "mommy." I think I was 5 or 6 at the time, according to my mom, when I got lost in the mall. I was running in and out of racks play hide and seek. After a few times my mom told me to sit still and not move. Of course I didn't, I ran and hid in a bunch of clothes on a rack. I didn't hear my mom yell for me so after awhile I finally came out. Well when I came out of the rack I bumped into a tall man. I said, "mommy, mommy...." next thing I know I was crying hysterically and the man picked me up and took me to his car. I cried and cried some more until finally I couldn't cry anymore. It felt like he drove me around for hours but finally we stopped. He picked me up and took me inside this big building which I later found out was a police station. I guess the man told the police my story and next thing I knew my mom and dad showed up. They picked me up and took me home. That memory is one I will never forget. Needless to say I never left my moms side again.

Memory #2

Boom! Boom! Boom! "Ouch, my head!" That's something I will never forget I heard when my friend killed someone. I was 16 years old and was out after a football game with about 7 other friends. Sarah, my best friend, said she was going to drive me home. My mom said it was okay as long as I was home by 11pm. So it was about 10:45pm and Sarah was speeding to get me home on time. Well she hit a curb and up she went. She hit a woman that was on her bike, and she hit her hard. We were wearing our seat-belts and were fine but when we got out of the car the woman was on the ground with blood everywhere. She kept saying, "ouch my head." Those words stuck in my mind everyday for years. We called 911 and they took her to the hospital. After dealing with the police my mom came and picked me up. The next day, I went to the hospital to visit the lady but they said she didn't make it. Till this day, every time I get to that intersection I freeze up and recap that night. I still feel responsible even though my friend says it was her fault. She's been paying for it for 5 years. In fact, she just got off probation early this year.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A "Good Writer"

In my eyes, Stephen King is a "good writer." When reading his memoirs I learned about what it takes to me a good writer in his eyes. I find most of what he says to ring true as it is so knowing that it's coming from him just makes it that much more credible. One point he makes is that in order to be a good writer one most "read and write a lot." I think he is right, when it comes to books that I read, I find it easier and more interesting if the author actually has experience and training as well as is educated.
I also learned how King felt about certain writers. One's that were in his eyes good and others that were not so good. It is interesting to read memoirs coming from such a renowned author like King. I learned a lot about his thoughts and previous life experience through reading his memoirs. I liked getting that background about his family life, in regards to his father and uncles professions. When he talked about the toolbox, the way he writes helped me envision what he describes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner...

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding......

Every time I close my eyes, I hear that sound. It's the sound of of that 25 cent slot machine at MGM Grand Detroit Casino.

It was summertime 2009 and I was so happy to have just turned 21 years old. I couldn't wait to go to the casino. Of course, it was my first time there and something like this happens...

It all started with a few cocktails to celebrate my birthday. Well, 1 led to 2, 2 led to 3, 3 led to 4 and 4 just led to a big back door. It was all down hill after that.
I started gambeling, just dumping $20 here and there like no big deal. I sat at one slot machine and it was hot! So I played it next to an older man who had been playing for hours. We started talking and I found out he had just been laid-off from GM, had 3 kids away at college, and finances were a problem for him.

So long story short, he lost all of his money in about 3 hours. Being that it was a 25 cent machine, the deminsions of how much to bet ranged from 25 cents to $1.25 a spin. Well he was playing different demensions and when he hit "max bet" on what he though was his last spin, it did not spin because he only had $1.00 left in the machine. So he said "good luck hunny, take care and have fun." Then he walked away. My luck was running out so I decided to play the next machine over (the one the old man was playing on). I noticed there was still that $1.00 left so I just put in $20 and started playing. Well wouldn't you know it? Bam..... Triple 7 Triple, $725 winner!!

Wow, I jumped up and screamed. Sure enough the old man from before appeared. He was so happy for me that when I printed the cash voucher I told him that he still had $1.00 in the machine and I wanted to give him a few hundred dollars to help him out. So I gave the old man $200 of my winnings and later went home.

Would it have been morally wrong to have kept all the money without telling him? Probably not but being that it was my birthday and given his situation it only seemed right to be generous. What do you think? What would you have done?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hi My Loves....

"Hey everyone!!
So.....heres what's going on with me. Today was craaazy.... I had to take my brother to the airport so that he could go see his ex-girlfriend. I tried to talk him out of it but once he has his mind set, that's it!!
After that went array, one of my sisters, my mom and I went to lunch. They got soo mad at me just cause I was late. Like OMG, it's not that big of a deal.
Then me and the boy went out to the club. I told him I couldn't stay out late cause I had to be at a photo shoot in the morning. He threatened another break up so I stayed with him all night. hehe
Now it's time for bed, God I love my life....
Till next time.....
Love ya,"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Scoop or Two? Cream and Sugar?

Do you remember what your first job was? I will never forget mine.....

I was 16 years old and my parents said it was time for me to get a job if I wanted a car. I applied to a ton of places. Finally, Baskin Robbins/ Dunkin Donuts called me for an interview. I was so excited that I said I would come in "right now" if they wanted me to. So sure enough, I went. They offered me what I think was minimum wage at the time; $6.75 an hour. I did not care what I was making as long as I was making something.

I started the next week for training. I got a shirt, a hat and an apron. They took the cost of those from my first paycheck. I started working the morning shifts, I had to be at work at 5am to prepare for the morning rush. Naturally, Dunkin Donuts was booming with business by 7am. Time was flying. the job was easy and everything was going well. Until the mop came out in week 5....

I did not know when I signed up that I was going to have to clean toilets. In fact, I didn't see it as part of my job description. I guess when you work for BR/DD you are considered responsible for everything. So after weeks of learning how to make special coffees, lattes, how to scoop ice cream in the afternoon, make shakes etc. I was told that I had to be on clean up duty. Maybe it was because I was spoiled all my life but I refused to do it. My manager at the time said I had to either do it or I had to find somewhere else to work. So I took the mop (since she threw it at me) and threw it on the floor. Turned around, punched out and went home.

I told my parents what happened and they said not to worry about it, that I did the right thing. I never went back to that store, it has been 5 years and I probably won't go in there unless I absolutely had to. If nothing else, it was a great learning experience. hmmm maybe not so much! :)